Monday, June 06, 2005


Originally uploaded by starleneg.

Can you believe it? I've done an Illustration Friday again! Not a good one, but it is one.
I made myself do a quick one because my attitude has been bad and I needed to let some of it out. Work has been bringing me down on myself lately and I've been letting other people's opinions and comments at work affect the way I perceive myself and my skills. I'm trying to adjust that way of thinking though. So doing a quick sketch tonight has done wonders to the attitude. It's weird that the theme is Digital, I have been missing that old fashioned pencil to sketchbook lately too and have been feeling chained to the Wacom tablet.
grumpy, grumpy girl am I !

listening to the hubby on the radio gives me a cheer especially hearing secret message songs. Also talking to good hearted Ang helped a tonage. She's cool.
I think I forget how to use all that stuff.


Anonymous said...

Hey sweety Stace. How are you?

Anonymous said...

Hi Stacy

I'm a creative spirit too but
we also share the another commonality: we're both named Stacy Gray!

You're a great Illustrator and
I have to admit, I'm a little jealous because at the moment,
I am working on a degree in Fine Art at the Norwich School of Art & Design, in Norwich, England. (yr1) Anyway, as I was Google-ing around, looking for other S.G's,
I came across your lil' Blog so I thought I'd drop you a quick message to say "Hi." Anyway, keep up the great work, keep smiling and feel free to get in touch if you like and I'll tell you the art I make...


Stacy Gray
Undergrad. @ the NSAD

P.S. Just realised the amount of "I's" used in my message, sorry.